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what we offer

24-hour supervision

our dedicated front-line staff at YCFC supervise the youth 24/7


risk assesments 

Dr. James Worling’s strengths-based risk assessment, the PROFESOR, is completed for each resident



staff are trained in medication administration for each resident
White Bed


every resident enjoys their own bedroom and daily sundries

residents have access to games rooms, two classrooms, and recreational activities


residents receive 24 hour supervision at a 3:1 resident to staff ratio to ensure safety and routine
Meal Prep


YCFC provides residents with 3 square meals &
3 snacks per day

shift leads


Kirsten Bray


healthcare coordinator

client-centered treatment

YCFC employs four on-site clinicians that are involved in the daily youth mental health services

client-centered treatment
Structured CBT

individual therapy

weekly individual insight-based counselling sessions


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and a trauma-informed approach are used to support each youth

group therapy

psychoeducational group counselling sessions attended twice weekly


topics include consent, boundaries, laws, sexual attitudes, sexual media, as they relate to healthy relationships

Indigenous cultural learnings

group sessions focusing on traditional Indigenous teachings facilitated by a full-time Indigenous youth counsellor

Building Lifelong Skills

lifelong skills

group sessions for developing lifelong skills such as conflict resolution, prosocial skills, and hygiene


these are additional sessions outside of the school year

on-site education

each resident attends full-time education via the W.D.Sutton school providing individual education plans for grades 7-12

on-site education


YCFC has two Ontario licensed teachers providing education through W.D.Sutton in association with the TVDSB


YCFC has two in-class education support workers to ensure all residents receive the individualized support they need


W.D. Sutton is a Section 23 school that teaches literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional skills


the program and curriculum is for students to receive education and transition into a community school  

Indigenous support

"Hello, I'm Ka Shaw Tay Petahtegoose. I am Anishnawbe and my family is from White Fish Lake. I've been at YCFC since 2018 and I am charged with supporting the cultural needs of the Indigenous youth who reside with us. I understand the challenges that First Nations peoples face and I am here to help. I also facilitate traditional Indigenous teachings for all of our residents."

Indigenous youth counsellor at YCFC

Indigenous youth conselor
Indigenous Support
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